Nicolas Metaye


The main technologies I'm working with are .NET, Azure, JavaScript and SQL Server. I'm always happy to learn new patterns, concepts, technologies and languages (and not only the programming ones!). You will find on this web site my resume and some of my personal projects / mockups /experiments.

Tilburg, Netherlands

Google Maps


I'm still expanding the basic book library project (the latest iteration is the Dependency Injection and IoC).

I added data persistence with a SQL Server DB and I added the concept of book store that we can visualize and filter with Google Maps.


I used the entity framework os ORM but I kept my initial Repository pattern in the project. It's obviously not mandatory in such a simple project but I like having a clean and easily readable code in my controllers. It's also a good practice if I want to make this project evolve.

The Google Maps part is really simple to implement. Just define your map options and an array containing your locations (built in the razor views from the model) in an initialize javascript function and the Google Maps API takes care of the rest.

It's also possible to customise the location picture, information pop up and general look and feel of what you display when you click on the location. You can also define your own javascrip actions. I'll try to play a bit with this in the futur.

Get in touch !